Watch around the Water

Watch Around Water (WAW) is a campaign educating the public about active supervision, and encouraging parents and guardians to take on the responsibility of this role while visiting aquatic facilities.
While we have the most dedicated and qualified staff in place, all parents are to stay 100% engaged with their children while attending lessons and while using our pools at the Wangaratta Sport and Aquatic Centre. This is very important not only for every child's safety, but also to help build their confidence and development in and around water.
The guildelines aim is to reduce the number of fatal and non-fatal drowning incidents and associated injuries in public aquatic facilities in Victoria within the 0-14 year age group.
Children under 10 years:
- Must be accompanied into the centre by a responsible parent / guardian.
- Must be constantly and actively supervised.
- Parents / guardians must position themselves to have a clear view of the child with no physical.
or structural barriers between them and the child / children.
- Must wear a yellow wrist band while using our pools
Children under 5 years:
- Must be accompanied into the centre and the water by a responsible parent / guardian.
- Must stay within arm’s reach during recreational play activities.
- Must wear a pink wristband while using our pools
Children 10 years old and over:
- Parents must use their knowledge of an individual child’s swimming ability and general development to determine the level of accompaniment required
Additional information